An archive of movie shooting scripts (mostly science fiction), which will be of interest to fans and aspiring scriptwriters.
Found Item Clothing specializes in reproductions of iconic t-shirts from movies, including Revenge of the Nerds and Real Genius. There are some classics here...
The text adventure version of the movie The Dark Crystal is now playable online.
Just about everything you might want to know about the television show Twin Peaks (and the movies and books).
The website of someone who makes and sells replicas of famous movie props, such as the grail diary from the Indiana Jones movies and Marty's letter to Doc Brown in the second Back to the Future movie. Most impressive!
A company that sells high quality replicas of famous costumes from movies, television shows, and science fiction. You can buy replicas of the trenchcoats from the Matrix trilogy, Bladerunner, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy 7, Trigun, and Firefly/Serenity. They also sell full Doctor Who costume sets and have an exclusive license from the BBC to make and sell replicas of the tenth and eleventh Doctors' trademark coats. Expensive, but oh so worth it...
The wiki at - the original series, original movies, and Rebuild movies are covered. All of the characters, Evangelions, Angels, locations, and hardware are discussed. Speculation about things in the movies yet to come can be found there.