Python script to simulate the display from "The Matrix" in terminal. Uses half-width katakana unicode characters by default, but can use custom character sets. Accepts keyboard controls while running. Based on CMatrix.
A universal bridge for communications protocols. Presents a unified REST API so you don't have to worry about writing your own protocol adapters.
Protocols: IRC, XMPP, Gitter, Mattermost, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Rocket.Chat, Hipchat (via XMPP), Matrix, Steam, ssh-chat and Zulip
Appears that it's "one instance of this bridge to one service at a time."
A fan-constructed wiki about the Matrix series, at
How matrix algebra can be used on a table of names and membership checkmarks to develop a detailed social connection network.
Element is an IM and chat application running on top of the Matrix protocol that features interoperability with several other systems, including IRC, Gitter, and Slack. It features a full implementation of end-to-end encryption. Support for service integrations.
Save yourself some trouble, just download the latest releases.
A company that sells high quality replicas of famous costumes from movies, television shows, and science fiction. You can buy replicas of the trenchcoats from the Matrix trilogy, Bladerunner, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy 7, Trigun, and Firefly/Serenity. They also sell full Doctor Who costume sets and have an exclusive license from the BBC to make and sell replicas of the tenth and eleventh Doctors' trademark coats. Expensive, but oh so worth it...
An encyclopedia of data visualization methods, charts, and paradigms. explanations When to use what chart for what kind of data and why.