An agent that tracks when someone unfollows you on Twitter.
The Threshold Agent is a conditional change detector, it emits events when a specified value is exceeded. Unlike the change detector agent each new event updates the last_property value to which the new value is compared, event when no new event is emitted.
This agent fetches fear and greed index for BTC and creates an event by notification. Uses the REST API.
The SunlightLegislatorAgent uses the Sunlight Foundation Congress API to track the actions of a legislator. Will report back on any votes made, or actions on bills sponsored or cosponsored by the legislator.
You need a Sunlight Foundation API Token:
You need to provide a legislator_bioguide_id for the legislator you wish to keep tabs on.
I'm using Flask to host some simple REST APIs for custom Huginn agents.
The Huginn Naive Bayes agent uses some incoming Events as a training set for Naive Bayes Machine Learning. Then it classifies Events from other sources accordingly using tags. Acts as a Huginn Agent front end to the NBayes gem.
This code demonstrates how to scrape the Doomsday Clock to get the current value. It has a CSS selector, source, and regular expression to extract the current time.
A website which has more official documentation for Huginn, a database of agents (included and third party) and what they do, sample Huginn scenarios that can be imported and tinkered with, and Ruby gems of the third party agents.
A site that offers many different algorithms, functions, and models as microservices that you can send data to via REST API and then receive results from. A Huginn agent has been created as a ruby gem already. An official Python module that presents the API natively exists, also. Attempts to be as language agnostic as possible.