ASCII art of Snoopy and friends.
Transfeminine Science is a resource for original informational content on the subject of transfeminine hormone therapy. This form of hormone therapy is also known variously as feminizing hormone therapy (FHT), gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) for transfeminine people, and, more in the past, male-to-female (MtF) hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It involves the use of female sex hormones including estrogens and progestogens, as well as androgen-opposing medications known as antiandrogens, to produce feminization, demasculinization, alleviation of gender dysphoria, and other changes in transgender women and non-binary transfeminine individuals.
Transfeminine Science was created by Aly and contains articles by different writers on transfeminine hormone therapy. Our authors and other information are listed on our About page. The content on this site is written by transgender people, for transgender people, as well as for medical providers and academics in transgender health. A categorized listing of articles on Transfeminine Science can be found on the Articles page, while a listing of articles by date can be found on the Latest page. The Misc page contains other content like useful tools, notable publications, and links. The articles on this site are wiki-esque living documents, and hence may be updated, expanded, and improved over time.
skies-adsb transforms your browser into a real-time 3D air traffic display. Using ADS-B data from an RTL-SDR receiver, you can explore local air traffic, surrounding airspace, and geography with customizable 3D maps. Runs on all major modern browsers. skies-adsb requires a build process prior to deployment and cannot be run directly from source code.
Machine learning has become more and more powerful, to the point where a bad actor can take a photo and a voice recording of someone you know, and forge a complete video recording. Bad actors can now digitally impersonate someone you love, and trick you into doing things like paying a ransom. To mitigate that risk, I have developed this simple solution where you can setup a unique time-based one-time passcode (TOTP) between any pair of persons.
A powerful and user-friendly software tool for scanning radio frequencies using RTL-SDR devices. This scanner covers a wide frequency range with customizable settings, real-time signal analysis, and an intuitive interface.
Scan from 24 MHz to 1766 MHz. Set start/stop frequencies and step sizes with optional default values. Analyze and display signal strengths using a dynamic power spectrum plot. Welcomes users with a stylish interface including author credit and GitHub link.
A small, personal PaaS. Contribute to mbr/rockslide development by creating an account on GitHub.
Beszel is a lightweight server monitoring platform that includes Docker statistics, historical data, and alert functions. It has a friendly web interface, simple configuration, and is ready to use out of the box. It supports automatic backup, multi-user, OAuth authentication, and API access.
Smaller and less resource-intensive than leading solutions. Easy setup, no need for public internet exposure. Configurable alerts for CPU, memory, disk, bandwidth, temperature, and status. Users manage their own systems. Admins can share systems across users. Supports many OAuth2 providers. Password auth can be disabled. Save and restore data from disk or S3-compatible storage.
Consists of a hub built on PocketBase that provides a dashboard for viewing and managing connected systems and an agent that runs on each system you want to monitor, creating a minimal SSH server to communicate system metrics to the hub.
Seems to be designed with system monitoring in mind, and as such isn't really that flexible.
A Self-hosted .ics feed aggregator that publishes an anonymized public schedule to a GitHub repository. A light weight, ultra simplified, copyleft alternative to Looks like it outputs Markdown, which would be ideal for a repo at Github. Anonymizes event details (can you turn this off?) Publishes formatted schedule to public repo (can we change this to private?) Automatic syncing via cron.
This is a fork of Apprentice Harper's version of the DeDRM tools. Apprentice Harper said that the original version of the plugin is no longer maintained, so I've taken over, merged a bunch of open PRs, and added a ton more features and bugfixes.
These are plugins for Calibre v4.x and later for removing DRM from ebooks.
Digital Service Providers outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America.
Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. Our goal is to create a browser based editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. It can be easily embedded in any web page or JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project.
Syntax highlighting for over 120 languages. Over 20 themes. Automatic indent and outdent. An optional command line. Handles huge documents (at last check, 4,000,000 lines is the upper limit). Fully customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes. Search and replace with regular expressions. Highlight matching parentheses.
Toggle between soft tabs and real tabs. Displays hidden characters. Drag and drop text using the mouse. Line wrapping. Code folding. Multiple cursors and selections. Live syntax checker (currently only JavaScript/CoffeeScript/CSS/XQuery). Cut, copy, and paste functionality.
You do not generally need to build ACE. The ace-builds repository endeavours to maintain the latest build, and you can just copy one of src/* subdirectories somewhere into your project. I'd probably feel safer downloading a release, to be honest.
The model is a system of stackable boxes designed to hold and organize lock picks and tensioners. Magnets are used to retain the contents and to hold together the boxes and lids.
The size of the boxes was determined by my requirement to offer space for 5 MOKI picks (they are quite long). Different box versions accommodate different types of picks. I am open to create more box insides for other types of picks, but I do not own them for testing.
Lids are designed in a way that boxes can also be stacked on top of them. Some have the Lock Pickers United (LPU) logo and text embossed and look good when printed with switching color for the upper layers.
4x4mm cylinder magnets are used for the stacking magnets (8 per box, 4 per lid). 4x2mm cylinder magnets are used for the inner magnets (number varies between box versions).